"Chaos turns to coherence with the stroke of a brush just as it does with the stroke of a bow. The grace and wit, depth of mood and lightness of spirit that have pervaded Hovakimyan’s art for the last several decades come from inside his ear no less than from behind and around his eye. Listen closely to what he is showing you.."

"Embracing the art of “organized sound” (to use Edgard Varèse’s term) with the art of organized vision, Hovakimyan directs us towards the exotic but surprisingly accessible place where any one of us can grasp the experiential as well as formal similarities of two disparate media."

“All the colors and shapes are like sounds and melodies,” muses Varoujan Hovakimyan of his painting, “floating around on the surface of the canvas, trying to find their right place to exist, and my job as a painter is to help them find that place. I would like to be able to hear my paintings one day.”